Though Adam had the honor of being the first to hear the voice of God, he would not be the last.
After the end of Adam’s ministry, the Lord then began to commune with Noah. He gave Noah instructions to build an arc in order to preserve his family and the whole of the animal kingdom against the impending tempests that would immerse the earth in water. Years later, an elderly and childless man named Abram received direct revelation that he had found favor with God, and that through his posterity, God would raise up a mighty nation. Abram was renamed Abraham, and was told that despite their old age, he and his wife would bear a son to ensure the fulfillment of this promise. The promise was indeed fulfilled, and the nation of Israel flourished and prospered. When that prosperity was threatened due to the captivity of the Israelite nation by the Egyptians, God spoke with Moses, and gave him the power and authority to work miracles in His name, and be a leader and liberator for His people.
These men all share a singular commonality. They all spoke with God. And as a result of these correspondences, God was able to actuate His grand plans and designs.
These circumstances signify that these men were prophets; spokesmen chosen by God to act as mediums of communication between this earth and the heavens. And they are only a handful of the many examples of prophets that are to be found in recorded scripture.
Prophets have revealed the word and will of God since the days of Adam in the Garden of Eden. They have acted as divinely appointed authorities at the times when the world has been at its heights of confusion, chaos, and turmoil.
The words of prophets are undiluted axioms of God’s wisdom. Once transcribed to scripture, their teachings echo through throughout the ages, and are revered as hallowed existential dogma.
Prophets are an invaluable resource for revelation and salvation. In fact, the Holy Bible states:
“Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7)
The advantages of having a prophet as led many to pose the following question: Where are the prophets today? In response to such a query, one of the most thrilling messages that we, as members of the LDS church, have to declare is that this day and age is no different than any other.
God has prophets on the earth right at this very moment, and they are actively receiving and proclaiming his word.
Read more to know how....